Pre & Post Op Information

GUM GRAFTS: Post-Operative Care Instructions

The dressing placed on the roof of the mouth is for your comfort and will help protect the tissue harvest site. SMALL PIECES OR THE ENTIRE “BAND-AID” MAY BREAK OFF.  This is OK as long as you can rinse to keep the area clean and comfortable.  If you have a plastic retainer wear it for the first 24 hours after surgery, and then as needed for comfort.  You may take it out to brush your teeth but replace it as soon as possible.  Do not leave it out for more than a few minutes at a time to prevent swelling.

Take medications as directed.  If you are able to take ibuprofen and acetaminophen we have found that a combination of three 200mg Advil (ibuprofen) along with one 500mg Tylenol (acetaminophen) is good for pain control. You may take this combination once every 4 hours as needed in place of prescription pain medication but should not take it in addition to prescription pain medicine.

To prevent swelling an ICE PACK should be applied to your face in the area of the gum graft. Do this in 10 min. on and 10 min. off pattern.  This should be continued for 2-3 hours on the first day of surgery and then as needed for pain.  If significant swelling progresses beyond the first 2-3 days, please give us a call. (Tip: a bag of frozen peas makes for a pretty good ice bag.)

Slight swelling and/or bruising is normal for the first 1-2 days. However, if swelling begins after 3-4 days call the office.

No brushing on the graft site the evening after surgery. Start to rinse with warm salt water rinses the day after surgery. (About 8oz. water/ 1 tsp. salt). Use the post-op brush in 3 days to clean the surgery area.

To clean the surgery site, mix a solution of one-half hydrogen peroxide and one-half water. Dab this solution on with a Q-tip.

Your graft will go through many color changes- it will get puffy and red, and then white with sloughing, and finally pink. THIS IS NORMAL.

The sutures are dissolving.  This process typically takes from 3 days to 3 weeks.  The sutures will usually break while dissolving and fall out when doing homecare.

Eat relatively soft foods and stay away from small seeds, hot and spicy foods, and sharp foods such as chips for the first week.  Try to keep food away from the graft area.  DO NOT use a straw or eat any remotely hard foods on the first day.

There may be occasional bloodstains in your saliva 1-2 days after surgery – this is normal.  If the bleeding becomes excessive, place a wet regular tea bag or gauze on the area with firm pressure for 15 minutes – remove and repeat.  If bleeding persists, call the office or Dr. Wilson on his cell after hours.

Avoid activities where you could bump the surgical graft area and compromise the graft.

Please feel free to call us with your questions or concerns. It is our job to take care of you. 

PERIODONTAL SURGERY: Post-Op Care Instructions

Take medications as directed or you may take Tylenol, Advil, or whatever you normally take for pain. If you are able to take ibuprofen, and Tylenol we have found that a combination of three 200mg Advil (ibuprofen) along with one 500mg Tylenol (acetaminophen) is a good combination for pain control. You may take this combination once every 4 hours as needed in place of prescription pain medication but should not take it in addition to prescription pain medicine.    

To prevent swelling, ICE should be applied to your face in the area of surgery, using it for 10 minutes and then leaving it off for 10 minutes.  This should be continued for 2-3 hours on the first day of surgery.  If significant swelling progresses beyond the first 2-3 days, please give us a call. (Tip: a bag of frozen peas makes for a pretty good ice bag.)

Slight swelling and/or bruising the first 1-2 days is normal; however, if swelling begins after 3-4 days, call the office.

To clean the surgery site, use a solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half water. Dab this solution on with a Q-tip.

Sutures will dissolve. They could begin to do this within 3 days, or up to 3 weeks.  The stitches will usually break after dissolving and fall out.

DO NOT use a straw or eat any remotely hard foods on the first day.  You are permitted to eat relatively soft foods such as yogurt, milkshakes, eggs, jello, mashed potatoes, and soups. We advise you to stay away from small seeds, hot and spicy foods, and sharp foods such as chips and Doritos for the first week.  Try to keep food away from the surgery area.

Rinse with warm salt water the day after surgery. (About 8oz. water/ 1 tsp. salt). Start using the post-operative graft brush to clean the area 3 days post-surgery.  Switch to your everyday toothbrush in 5-7 days.

There may be occasional bloodstains in your saliva during the first 1-2 days – this is normal.  If the bleeding becomes excessive, place a wet regular tea bag or gauze on the area with firm pressure for 15 minutes – remove and repeat.  If bleeding persists, call the office or Dr. Wilson on his cell 620-931-7617, if after office hours.

Please feel free to call us with your questions or concerns. It is our job to take care of you.

SCALING & ROOT PLANING: Post-Op Care Instructions

Please read and follow these procedures. They will make you more comfortable and help to prevent any possible complications.


Start brushing, flossing, and continuing your prescribed oral hygiene regimen immediately. You may have to GO EASY at first but make every effort to keep your mouth plaque free. We recommend rinsing your mouth several times on the day of treatment, with warm salt water (use 1 tsp. salt to 8 oz. of warm water).


Some discomfort is expected when the anesthesia wears off. Usually, a couple of acetaminophen or ibuprofen will eliminate any discomfort. Sensitivity to cold or touch often temporarily occurs. Removing all plaque from the tooth surfaces and brushing with a fluoride toothpaste of fluoride that we may prescribe will usually reduce or eliminate sensitivity eventually.

3.)    EATING:

Your next meal should be soft. Avoid any hard, gritty foods such as peanuts, popcorn, chips, and hard bread for the next 2 days. Also, it is best to avoid hot, spicy foods and alcohol for at least 24 hours.

4.)    Bleeding may continue for several hours following the procedure. This is not unusual and should stop. If bleeding persists beyond a few hours, please call our office.

5.)    SWELLING:

Very seldom does swelling occur. If it does, rinse your mouth every couple of hours with warm salt water (use 1 tsp. salt to 8 oz. of warm water).

6.)    SMOKING:

Please refrain from smoking for 24 hours or longer after scaling and root planning procedures. Tobacco use interferes with healing.

7.)    EXERCISE:

Avoid any aerobic activity for the rest of the day. (No jogging, tennis, racket ball, or anything strenuous.) Take it easy.

Please feel free to call us with your questions or concerns. It is our job to take care of you. 

TOOTH EXTRACTION: Post-Op Care Instructions

The following information has been prepared to help answer the many questions you may have regarding the surgical procedure which has just been performed. Please read the instructions carefully. Our experience has shown them to be very helpful.

  1. While numb please be careful not to bite your cheek, lip, or tongue.  Do not chew on the gauze; do not suck on the extraction site.  When the anesthesia wears off, you may have some discomfort from the extraction that was just performed.  Your dentist will recommend pain medication for you if necessary.  If you are able to take ibuprofen and acetaminophen we have found that a combination of three 200mg Advil (ibuprofen) along with one 500mg Tylenol (acetaminophen) is good for pain control.  You may take this combination once every 4 hours as needed in place of prescription pain medication but should not take it in addition to prescription pain medicine.
  2. You may return to your regular diet. However, avoid eating on the side of the extraction until comfortable (around 2 weeks). No sipping through a straw and no smoking for 1 to 2 days.
  3.  Do not disturb the blood clot after your extraction. If you have to rinse, you may rinse lightly every 2 hours with warm salt water or a diluted mouthwash of ½ water and ½ hydrogen peroxide. This serves to give you a better sense of oral hygiene.
  4. Try not to rinse your mouth vigorously as this may loosen the blood clot. You may use your normal toothbrush everywhere except the extraction site.  Brush your tongue.  This will help get rid of the bad breath and unpleasant taste that is common with extractions.
  5. You may follow your regular daily activities. Avoid excessive exertion of any type.  No heavy lifting.
  6. You may experience a slight feeling of weakness or chills during the first 24 hours. This should not be cause for alarm but should be reported to the office if symptoms persist or are severe.
  7. There may be occasional blood in the saliva for the first four to five hours after the extraction. This is not unusual and will correct itself. If there is considerable bleeding, bite firmly on a folded moist piece of gauze for 30 minutes.  If the bleeding does not stop, bite on a WET tea bag, again for 30 minutes.  If bleeding persists please contact the office or call Dr. Wilson’s cell 620-931-7617 if after hours.  (Remember though, that a little bit of blood mixed with saliva can look like a lot of blood.)
  8. Cold reduces swelling and bleeding. An external ice pack for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off can be quite valuable.  If your face becomes too cold then place more barriers against your skin.

If you are concerned about the progress of your recovery, please call the office.

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8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Front Office Only





8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Front Office Only